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Perl runs everywhereNow
JS runs everywhere
Perl runs everywhereNow
Perl runs everywhere
#! /usr/bin/perl # version 1.1 # if the host+path are in matrix then the redirect is to a single location # if just the host is in matrix then the redirect is to host+the request uri # nwk-productred & # # to distibute this file us /usr/local/scr/distfilex # # #$matrix{"http_host"} = "desturl"; $matrix{"stage-wscar.apple.com:8414"} = "http://stage-wscar.apple.com/cgi-bin/httptest"; #$matrix{"itutest.apple.com:8414"} = "http://stage-wscar.apple.com/cgi-bin/httptest"; # $matrix{""} = ""; # my plan is to get these first. $matrix{"imac.com"} = "http://www.apple.com/imac/?cid=oas-us-domains-imac.com"; $matrix{"macbookair.com"} = "http://www.apple.com/macbookair/?cid=oas-us-domains-macbookair.com"; $matrix{"speech.apple.com"} = "http://www.apple.com/macosx/"; #… 1;
use Benchmark qw/:all/; cmpthese timethese 100, { node => sub { `node cheat.js` }, perl => sub { `perl cheat.pl` }, php => sub { `php cheat.php` }, python => sub { `python cheat.py` }, ruby => sub { `ruby cheat.rb` }, };
Rate php node python ruby perl php 19.4/s -- -3% -42% -91% -93% node 20.0/s 3% -- -40% -90% -93% python 33.7/s 74% 68% -- -84% -88% ruby 208/s 975% 940% 519% -- -27% perl 286/s 1374% 1326% 749% 37% --
% cat cheat.* console.log(496165411); 496165411 print 496165411, "\n"; print(496165411) puts 496165411
perl Makefile.PL make make test make installcpan, cpanplus, even cpanminus
use v5.12; use utf8; binmode STDOUT => ':utf8'; my $s = "🐍"; say $s; say sprintf "%04X", ord $s; say length $s;
var s = "🐍"; print(s); print(s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)); print(s.length);
Perl is just syntax. CPAN is THE language - clkao
$_->answer for @questions;